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Fisheye Aerial Media is Insured & FAA Certified to cover your
drone aerial needs legally and safely.

Caldera High School, Bend, Oregon

Caldera High School
Bend, Oregon

Mt. Bachelor Zipline Addition

Mt. Bachelor Zipline Addition
Bend, Oregon

Tumalo Irrigation Canal Project

Tumalo Irrigation District Feed Canal Project  Bend, Oregon

Bend Stevens Ranch Library

Bend Stevens Ranch Library
Bend, Oregon

City of Bend Public Works Campus

City of Bend Public Works Campus
Bend, Oregon

City of Springfield, Oregon Utility Upgrade

City of Springfield Utility
Springfield, Oregon

Redmond, Oregon Library

City of Redmond Library
Redmond, Oregon

City of Redmond Safety Building

City of Redmond Safety Building
Redmond, Oregon

Food Truck Lot, Redmond, Oregon

Food Truck Lot
Redmond, Oregon


City of Redmond Water Tower
Bend Larkspur Community Center Expansion

City of Redmond Water Tower
Redmond, Oregon

Bend Larkspur Community Center
Bend, Oregon

3-Mile Track Construction-7.jpg

Daimler High Desert Proving Grounds
Madras, Oregon


"The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor." --Vince T. Lombardi

DISCLAIMER:  All quotes are best estimates for all included work listed.  Actual job can vary depending on changes before and/or during to scope of project.  If Fisheye Aerial Media deems any flight that may include any type of potential risk and/or danger to something and/or someone including but not limited to the flying equipment, contracted ground personnel, surrounding environment, and/or any other potential subject due to weather conditions and/or otherwise, Fisheye Aerial Media has the right to postpone, reschedule, and/or terminate current flight. 

MEDIA:  All media that is captured, created, and produced by Fisheye Aerial Media is owned in its entirety by Fisheye Aerial Media. All services and media produced by Fisheye Aerial Media for its paying clients is a contractual copyright usage agreement. At no time shall a client reproduce and/or sell any of the purchased contractual copyright media for benefit of any kind for their own financial advancement.  No other business and/or organization may freely use any published or client purchased contractual copyright usage agreement media without an agreed written statement solely from Fisheye Aerial Media.     

©2024 Fisheye Aerial Media - All Rights Reserved
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